Our Crib

We’ve lived in our new apartment (right across the street from our old place — talk about a convenient move!) since May and I’m embarrassed that it’s taken me several months to gather up some photos of our new place.  Perks that we love about our new, two room apartment: our fabulous porch and view (we eat dinner on the porch every single night!), cheaper rent, better layout in the living room/kitchen, and hot water in the kitchen sink.  Really all a girl could ask for, right? Haha.  The rat scare had us ready to move, but since the rat is long gone, we’ve decided to stay.  We even negotiated a lower rent price with our landlord (shhh…. don’t tell!).

Charlie and I  brought back a few things over break to make the apartment feel a little more like home: inexpensive floor and table lamps (exposed fluorescent bulbs start to wear on you after a while!); a few yard of Ikea fabric, blackout liner and curtain rings to make some ghetto-rigged curtains to replace our hideous burgundy and forest green striped curtains (Frannie helped me rig up the new curtains during her visit); a few colorful throw rugs; a fun solar powered lantern that hangs in our kitchen; brightly colored cloth shower curtains to cover our heinous “sofa” and chair; and porch hammock.  Marge got crafty and made us the cute floral pillows on our couch.  I also scored a fun new blue and white lattice tray and some pretty floral sheets from friends’ “leaving the island” sales.  And let’s not forget the posters from my college dorm room that Mom discovered in the attic… woo hoo!   So, here’s where we spend our days:


living room / kitchen / dining room

{ living room / kitchen / dining room }

{ kitchen / dining room & view from our kitchen / front door }

{ our fabulous porch where we relax, eat meals, and watch the sun set }

{ bedroom and view from our bedroom door }

{ charlie's study area in our bedroom & the view from our bedroom windows + our fort knox security bars }

{ bedroom storage }

{ bathroom }

Now you know where we live… and it’s currently a rat-free zone.  Good stuff!

2 thoughts on “Our Crib

  1. I love your place! It looks so fun!
    Congratulations on your third anniversary!!! May you be blessed with many more!

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